Autumn- Winter ESB News Version 1

Plymouth’s Got Talent! And that’s official! One of ESB’s fastest growing centres - Articulacy - is branching out! Based in the southwest of England, Articulacy operates in and around Plymouth and its aims closely match those of ESB’s of promoting excellent oracy skills for all. Articulacy’s mission is to inspire all people regardless of age or abilities to become confident and articulate individuals capable of delivering their messages in all situations both professional and personal, no matter how challenging. Now this successful organisation is developing a sister company called TalkTastic, a not for profit Community Interest Company (CIC) which aims to increase the confidence and communication skills of those who have to fight to be heard. The fledgling CIC recently held its first major project, ‘Plymouth’s Got Talent’, and it was a resounding success.

Funded through Plymouth City Council, the four-week programme helped children entitled to free school meals to develop fundamental skills whilst taking part in enjoyable activities. Through an interactive and varied drama-based approach, participants developed vital skills including communication, teamwork and creativity, culminating in an ESB assessment. Julia Ward, Director of TalkTastic and an ESB Trustee, says, “Plymouth’s Got Talent was designed to empower young people with skills and confidence for future success! The group finished the four weeks with brilliant memories, enhanced skills, new knowledge and increased confidence, together with the added bonus of gaining an ESB Group Speaking qualification. Parents and carers were so impressed with the results that they are requesting the programme return next year. “As a Community Interest Company, we are motivated and driven by our passion for utilising our knowledge to give back to the community and helping those whose voice is not one society is used to listening to. We are a values-based organisation, and we seek to run projects that allow us to achieve goals shaped

by these values, whilst working with collaborators whose drive and vision compliment our own”.

Julia adds: “ESB qualifications are a very important part of TalkTastic’s toolkit. Students are proud to gain a qualification that provides them with valuable skills that will last them a lifetime!”

TalkTastic learners practising ESB with TalkTastic Director and ESB trustee, Julia Ward


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