Autumn- Winter ESB News Version 1

Belfast Metropolitan College is Northern Ireland’s largest college, with over 37,000 enrolments. This further education institution offers both vocational education and academic qualifications.

Says Ian, “ESB assessments offer an attainable and realistic training opportunity for young and mature learners, enhancing oracy skills for work and life, employability and independent living. It is incredibly valuable to have an ESB specialist assessor meaningfully evaluating our learner’s curriculum outcomes in a warm and supportive manner. The students really enjoy preparing for their annual assessment visit!”

Ian Patterson, ESB Trustee and Course Co-Ordinator of Adult SEND Provision reports that Belfast Metropolitan College’s “Centre for Supported Learning” has announced that out of its 400 students enrolled in full and part time programmes, over 270 students have enrolled on ESB qualifications this academic year. Learners participate in lively project-based activities which meet ESB requirements for qualifications including ‘Inspiring Confidence in Employability’, ‘Oral Communication in the Community’, ‘Communicating with Art’, ‘Communicating with Others’ and ‘Oral Interview Skills’.

ESB students at Belfast Titanic

Visitor Centre!

Hugely valued by both teaching staff, external agency partners and carers, these assessments provide meaningful learning pathways for Met students.


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