Autumn- Winter ESB News Version 1

Following the event, we were delighted to receive lots of lovely written feedback from our assessors which we thought we’d share: -

The training weekend was the best ever. Feeling stimulated, valued and so pleased that the qualifications for learners with special educational needs will be soon under the ESB Speech umbrella.

Thank you so much for the excellent training this weekend. Both enjoyable and informative. Your hard work paid off and is appreciated.

This was my first annual training event, so I wasn’t sure what to expect. It was lovely to hear the three-year vision for ESB from Tina and the training by the team was just FAB. The venue was great, along with the food!

Thank you so much for such a great training event this weekend, the work you did was amazing and the video for the reports was nothing short of genius! Loved it!

Had a really good weekend at @ESBUK Annual standardisation weekend. Congratulations and thank you to all for a superbly planned and run event!

Thank you for such a useful and informative weekend in Warwick. It was really enjoyable to meet with other assessors and the whole weekend was extremely valuable in terms of training .


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