Autumn- Winter ESB News Version 1

“This year, in addition to standardisation and IT training, we spent time upskilling our assessors. We focused on improvements to our SEND provision and on our new Level 2 (Grade 4) Pathways (more details about this on pages 1 and 2). We are proud of these new developments and we think they will prove popular with centres. It’s important that all our Speech assessors are confident to assess these qualifications and I think everyone left the session feeling very enthusiastic about the potential of these updated qualifications. They will allow learners to develop their oracy skills in a way that suits them, playing to their strengths and interests. “Developing Speech pathways is a good example of where we have listened to what our centres are telling us they would like. All centre feedback is carefully considered by me and by our Senior Examiners Nicola Rose and Lulu Dale. We really welcome this feedback because it keeps us in touch with our centres and ultimately gives us the knowledge to provide the best service we can”.


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