Autumn- Winter ESB News Version 1

All of ESB’s Speech and Language Assessors recently attended Annual Training at Warwick University. This training weekend forms an integral part of the organisation’s quality assurance procedures.

Assessors were first trained on ‘My ESB’, in advance of its release, at last year’s Annual Training. Chief Examiner Elaine Rudduck says: “The new system introduced many changes for assessors, head office staff and centres and they have all adapted brilliantly. The time we spent on ‘My ESB’ at last year’s event really paid off.

The standardisation event allows ESB to monitor assessors’ performance ahead of the new academic year. In addition, it gives assessors a great opportunity to feedback their experiences from the 2018-19 academic year.

During this past year, assessors have been adjusting to the organisation’s new booking system ‘My ESB’.

PHOTO— (Top) Tina Renshaw speaks to ESB Assessors


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