Autumn- Winter ESB News Version 1

exam which is more objective and creates a focus and source of motivation for the learner. ESB: Why did you choose ESB’s ESOL Skills for Life qualifications? SO: The College has been using ESB assessments at Entry Level from as early as 2003/2004. The Reading and Writing assessments are user friendly and are a good model for what the students are going to be used to in future courses. The curriculum is strong and the students respond very positively to it and the exams. ESB has served us well!

ESB: What are the main challenges you face as ESOL Course Leader? SO : The demand for ESOL courses, particularly entry level is increasing every year, so our biggest challenge as a college is developing our curriculum and a way of working that can best meet our students’ needs while ensuring we continue to give each learner the support and a high quality learning experience. SO: Although students get nervous before an exam, out of all the Boards they find it a very student friendly experience and very encouraging. The students find the Speaking and Listening assessments are well designed. Any learner who hasn’t been successful can generally accept there are areas of weakness to work on. It’s a level playing field. The students enjoy an external ESB: How do the learners respond to ESB’s Speaking and Listening assessments?

Find out more about Gateshead College here:

Explore our ESOL Skills for Life qualifications here: qualifications/


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