Autumn- Winter ESB News Version 1

To put our new Pathways to the test, we piloted them in 10 centres with over 300 learners and the results were impressive! These Pathways retain our core values that makes ESB an enjoyable learning experience, but add a new format of assessment with new learning outcomes. For each Pathway, learners improved their oracy skills in almost every category.

Personal Development

The Pathways help teachers deliver Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) education, as well as the promotion of citizenship and British values. They also contribute to learners’ Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC) development. The results prove that ESB qualifications develop oracy skills, and give learners the confidence they need to realise their potential. In the Speech to Inform qualification, the number of learners who felt they had “bad” communication skills dropped by 50% after they had completed their assessment.

Improves Communication Skills

Teachers observed that an overwhelming 50% of learners felt that their communication skills had improved after their Pathway qualification, and there was a 44% increase in the number of learners who felt they became more competent in delivering short speeches and presentations.

ESB: Out and about

We were delighted to get the opportunity to go out to centres, and meet the very first learners who did our new Pathways qualifications. Now you can get the chance to meet them as well…

Boosts Employability

The Speech for Employability Pathway proved a great success with participating schools. 75% of learners left feeling their communications in mock employment scenarios were ‘good’ or ‘very good’ – a dramatic improvement on just the 25% who felt they were at this level before the qualification.

Mapped to the National Curriculum

Our Level 2 (Grade 4) Pathways are designed to match the National Curriculum requirements in Spoken English at Key Stage 3 and 4. Teachers from the participating schools saw a dramatic increase in learners achieving the following KS3 criteria: Discussing language and meaning, expressing own ideas and high competency in using Standard English competently.


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