Autumn- Winter ESB News Version 1

We are delighted to announce that our ESB Level 2 Certificate in Speech (Grade 4) qualification has been updated.

The qualification now gives more options to explore oracy in the classroom. Learners can develop their oracy skills in a way that suits them, playing to their strengths and interests.

Speech to Connect - replaces our original single unit qualification at Level 2 (Grade 4 )

Speech to Perform This option encourages learners to unlock their creative side with the performance of a self- composition (poetry, song lyrics, drama or a short story), as well as a performance of an established work. This Pathway builds a learner’s confidence through performing. Learners explore a Key Stage 3 curriculum topic in a wide range of subjects. They are encouraged to give a personal interest talk, review a news piece and give a persuasive speech about current affairs that can be political, social, economic or environmental. Speech for Employability This option supports learners who want to deepen their understanding of a particular career and prepare themselves for the job market. They will also get the opportunity to have a one-to-one mock interview in a friendly and supportive environment. Learners give a biographical talk about a person of their choice, speak a chosen poem or drama piece by heart, recite a chosen reading and respond to questions from their peers. This Pathway still allows learners to improve their literacy and analytical skills. Speech to Inform


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