Autumn- Winter ESB News Version 1

We are in the process of improving our Speech products to give you more options and flexibility to meet the needs of the learners with special educational needs and disabilities.

We aim to refresh our portfolio of speech qualifications for learners with special educational needs and disabilities to help those learners achieve their potential. By developing a new suite of multiple-unit products, we can simplify our product offering to centres, while at the same time, giving centres greater choice!”

ESB will be piloting these rebranded Speech products in the New Year.

Says Heather Harewood, ESB’s Product Development Manager: “We are fully committed to stretching the most able and supporting the least confident, and we hope you are as excited about this development as we are.

If you would like to find out more about our Speech products, contact our Product Development team at .

Unlock your skills with our Speech portfolio!


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