Autumn- Winter ESB News Version 1

Oral Communication in the Communality Entry 2 students raised money for the SOS Belfast outreach bus and discussed the charity with their assessor, Georgina Marland, in their assessment.

Andrea Bowditch, Literacy Teacher at Newfriars College shares the sentiments of our assessors and congratulates her students on their well-deserved success….

Each and every student who took the exam should be extremely proud of themselves, as I am. They have worked so hard and put the effort in to get fantastic results. Comments from the assessors echoed what we already knew… our students are wonderful young adults who show determination, commitment and give 100% to all that they do. “Student feedback was very positive and all agreed they had developed skills that they could use throughout life. Many of our students will go into employment and having the confidence to deal with an interview situation will be immensely beneficial. ESB is an excellent way for our particular students to build up confidence whilst being able to relate learnt skills to real life.

“Students had been preparing for their June exams since September and before we knew it the day was upon us. Although students were well prepared there were still some expected nerves. However, each and every student managed to impress the examiner with their presenting skills, knowledge and confidence. “Fast forward one week and the results were in, and I’m pleased to say they did not disappoint. Students were graded with either a pass, merit or distinction. All students had passed their exam with flying colours, especially Level 2 students who all achieved a distinction in their exam!“

“Well done everyone, superb achievement!”


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