Teacher Guidance Flip Book, Pre Entry - v0.7

For Early Steps 2 only:

 The ‘Joining In’ group activity comes first to build pupils’ confidence by working with their teacher on something they have practised together.  Both Section 2 (Circle Time – Speaking by Heart) and Section 3 (Circle Time – Talking about Something Special) are individual activities.

 Following the ‘Joining In’ game, pupils will take it in turns to say their rhymes.

 Following the rhymes, the children will take it in turns to speak about their chosen objects. For pupils who are not yet ready to stand up on their own, consider beginning with Early Steps 1 to build confidence.  We recognise that it can be hard speaking to a group. Pupils who are feeling nervous may be encouraged by the assessor or the teacher to take their turn whenever they feel ready to do so.  Conversations and interaction can happen at any time during the assessment, but particularly after the talk about something special.


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