ESB centres attending remotely were Blackfriars Settlement based in London, NCC Tower Hamlets, Stanmore College, Adult Learning from Joseph Chamberlain Sixth Form College in Birmingham, Gateshead College, Bedford College, City of London Adult Skills and Education Service, Kingston Adult Learning in Surrey and Dudley College of Technology, West Midlands. Tina says, “Thank you to New City College and all our other centres who participated in the event. The communication barrier can often make things difficult, but ESB wants to alleviate the challenges ESOL learners face by enabling them access to our assessments; not only making their lives easier but also creating more opportunities for their future. "We often hear learners saying after they’ve been assessed that they enjoyed it and want to do it again! Imagine the impact that sense of achievement has on any learner and how especially valuable to introduce such positive experiences to learners whose lives have often seen great challenges before and during their educational journey." Please watch the video below of ESB learners and tutors at a number of our wonderful ESOL centres voicing their thoughts on their ESB experience and qualifications and how they have supported them with their integration into the community.

Tina adds, “ESB Skills for Life assessments include real-life tasks that learners can relate to at every level and ensure that they are better placed to achieve their goals and often progress to higher level qualifications and employment. "Our accredited ESOL qualifications are a fantastic addition to a learner’s CV, and a great way of demonstrating their language skills to prospective employers." very good. The other thing is that everything is done externally, so the pressure is not as such on us teachers.” Mafa Ardestani, Teaching and Learning Manager at Stanmore College "The communication is there, that’s the most important thing. Whenever I have a question or anything, it’s easy, for example, an email, or a phone call, it’s

If you would like more information about our ESOL Skills for Life qualifications, please contact a member of our Business Development team at You can also find out whether your centre is eligible for financial support. 5

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