July Edition 2023

English Speaking Board International Ltd.



Message from our Chief Executive


70th Anniversary ESOL Celebration at New City College

4 - 5

We continue to celebrate 70 years of success

6 - 7

ESB’s reach continues to expand internationally

8 - 9

Learner success in China

10 - 11

NATECLA National Conference


We welcome new centres to the ESB family


Catching up with ESB’s Honorary Life-President


We've listened to your feedback!


A new feature in ‘ MyESBHub ’ is now live Development of ESOL SfL Reading and Writing Reports

Meet our Ambassadors


It's a girl!


Message from our Chief Executive Tina Renshaw

I am delighted to welcome you to this July edition of ESB News which includes highlights from the final two live-streamed 70th Anniversary celebratory events, showcasing our learners and their dedicated adults who support, teach and guide them. The celebrations have given ESB an opportunity to look back at a successful 70 years and also the chance to look to the future. ESB continues to reflect our changing world with its purpose of wanting all learners to possess the oracy and English Language skills they need to achieve their aspirations through the development of speaking and listening skills. Reminding us all of the power of these skills, our celebratory events have enabled us to reinforce this message, and I would like to thank all of our valued centres who passionately share our values and who have been with us on this journey so far. We’re also thrilled to let you know that we continue to expand internationally and have recently welcomed three new ESOL international centres that will provide ESB’s ESOL International online qualifications to learners from a wide range of countries, including Germany, India, Bangladesh and Pakistan. This edition also highlights ESB’s fruitful working relationship with its two Speech International exclusive centres in China - SKT Education Group and SEED International, which continues to grow.

In addition, given that we are celebrating such a special milestone this year, we have already committed £45,000 to financially support organisations where its learners face disadvantage due to socio economic, special educational needs and disabilities and migration status. Moving forward, we aim to maintain our efforts in collaborating with Oracy and English Language centres and their learners, whilst working towards reducing the effects of the disadvantage gap. I hope you enjoy reading this edition and, as always, we are open to feedback. We welcome your opinion on what you would like to see in future editions of our ESB News so please do get in touch – we would love to hear from you. Best wishes, Tina


70th Anniversary ESOL Celebration at New City College

The ESB team celebrates its 70th anniversary with ESOL learners at New City College's Hackney Campus.

Boosting English Language skills and fulfilling learners’ potential ESB celebrated its learners’ successful English Language journeys at a recent event to mark the milestone of its 70th Birthday. “Tailored to our learners, ESB assessments aim to draw out their language, awarding what our students can do.”

Hosted by New City College - a valued ESB centre and the largest ESOL provider in London - the live-streamed celebration highlighted the benefits that ESB’s ESOL Skills for Life qualifications provide to learners, enabling them to acquire the language skills needed to enjoy, immerse, and achieve success in the UK. Says Nancy Hodgson-Khan, Deputy Director for ESOL at New City College, “We’re delighted to host this event and are proud to deliver ESB qualifications at all seven of NCC’s campuses. “At NCC, ESB assessments are highly valued by our students who appreciate the challenge and rigour of having an external qualification. The approach and style of the assessment is very welcoming and supportive to learners, many of whom will have never completed a formal assessment before.

Elaborating on the positive impact that ESB and English Language learning has had on her life, Aysun Nergiz, an ESOL Learner from NCC who is visually impaired, delivered an inspirational talk about her ESB journey.


ESB centres attending remotely were Blackfriars Settlement based in London, NCC Tower Hamlets, Stanmore College, Adult Learning from Joseph Chamberlain Sixth Form College in Birmingham, Gateshead College, Bedford College, City of London Adult Skills and Education Service, Kingston Adult Learning in Surrey and Dudley College of Technology, West Midlands. Tina says, “Thank you to New City College and all our other centres who participated in the event. The communication barrier can often make things difficult, but ESB wants to alleviate the challenges ESOL learners face by enabling them access to our assessments; not only making their lives easier but also creating more opportunities for their future. "We often hear learners saying after they’ve been assessed that they enjoyed it and want to do it again! Imagine the impact that sense of achievement has on any learner and how especially valuable to introduce such positive experiences to learners whose lives have often seen great challenges before and during their educational journey." Please watch the video below of ESB learners and tutors at a number of our wonderful ESOL centres voicing their thoughts on their ESB experience and qualifications and how they have supported them with their integration into the community.

Tina adds, “ESB Skills for Life assessments include real-life tasks that learners can relate to at every level and ensure that they are better placed to achieve their goals and often progress to higher level qualifications and employment. "Our accredited ESOL qualifications are a fantastic addition to a learner’s CV, and a great way of demonstrating their language skills to prospective employers." very good. The other thing is that everything is done externally, so the pressure is not as such on us teachers.” Mafa Ardestani, Teaching and Learning Manager at Stanmore College "The communication is there, that’s the most important thing. Whenever I have a question or anything, it’s easy, for example, an email, or a phone call, it’s

If you would like more information about our ESOL Skills for Life qualifications, please contact a member of our Business Development team at You can also find out whether your centre is eligible for financial support. 5

ESB continues to celebrate its 70 years of success

Tina (left) and Sarah Pritchard, teacher at Moreton Hall (right), with learners from Moreton ESB was thrilled to host a multimedia event at Shropshire’s Ellesmere College as part of its 70th Anniversary celebrations – recognising the immense impact that the ESB experience and its qualifications have had on learners over the past 70 years. The live-streamed event shone the spotlight on learners from Primary and Secondary independent schools not only from the UK but also from around the globe. Participating in the event were learners and staff from Moreton Hall in Shropshire; James Allen’s Preparatory School in London; Moon Hall School in Surrey; SKT Education Group in Shenzhen, China; Stormont School in Hertfordshire; Badminton School in Bristol; Mill Hill International based in London; Queens College, London and Bolton School in the Northwest. Both Ellesmere College and Moreton Hall learners delivered individual ESB performances. Videos created by learners attending the event remotely were also shown highlighting the benefits of their personal ESB experience. Also, in attendance at the event was ESB’s Honorary Life-President, Merriel Halsall-Williams who reflected on her fondest memories of ESB since 1953 and stated how its assessments continue to add value to learners’ lives today.

Tina with Zoe Fisher and Daniel Bottom with Ellesmere College learners

ESB’s Chief Executive, Tina Renshaw, says: “We had a wonderful celebration at Ellesmere College to recognise the achievements of our learners who, from Early Years to their steps into higher and further education and employment, continue to grow and develop their sense of self, their confidence and their knowledge and skills of how to talk and listen; present to others, use language richly and broadly, persuade, promote, challenge and connect. “We reflected on the past and looked ahead with enthusiasm about what the future holds for ESB and its many learners.”

ESB's Honorary Life-President, Merriel Halsall-Williams


Daniel Bottom, Head of English, and Zoe Fisher, Head of Spoken English at Ellesmere College, outlined how ESB qualifications enhance their students' learning experience. They said, “Here at Ellesmere College we believe ESB is critical to a young person’s education. It provides students with the skills, attributes, values, and the opportunity to develop into impressive young people. ESB plays a pivotal part in allowing our learners to develop the mental agility and confidence to equip them for later life. Frequently, when students reflect on their time at Ellesmere College, ESB is one of their highlights.” Tina adds, “ESB continues to reflect our changing world with its purpose of wanting all learners to possess the oracy and English language skills they need to achieve their aspirations. From our National Impact Report released this year and featured in the current online issue of the Chartered Teaching magazine, we have striven in our 70th year to demonstrate to those not part of the ESB family the impact of our shared focus on Oracy and speaking and listening skills with our unique assessment experience leading to a qualification. “The development of effective communication, alongside an accredited qualification, gives learners a clear advantage when applying for a place in college, university or in the job market. Our qualifications have a duality of esteem with academic qualifications.”

Other ESB learners and tutors also provided feedback on their experience:

“ESB was an absolutely amazing experience which helped me to develop my research skills which will be extremely useful in my future life, especially at university.” ESB learner at Mill Hill International

"ESB is a really great programme to open students up to new opportunities, new challenges, and particularly in gaining confidence with speaking to small groups of people. It's a really important thing, particularly for children of this generation. When they go into the workforce, they are going to have to speak to people, they are going to have to be able to think on their feet and it's a great programme for that." English teacher, Bernadette Goulding at Queens College

“I learnt a lot about public speaking, presenting, and even fluency through my experience. I'm so grateful that I got the opportunity to partake in ESB as it pushed me to do my best.” ESB learner at Badminton School


ESB’s reach continues to expand internationally Three new ESOL International Online Centres join the ESB family

ESB is excited to announce the addition of three new centres that will provide the ESB experience and ESOL International qualifications to learners from a wide range of countries. All three new centres are to deliver ESB’s Ofqual Accredited ESOL International qualifications, which are mapped to the Common European Framework, offering an extensive journey for learners to become proficient in English Language Skills with a structured pathway from B1 – C2 level, as follows: • ESB Entry Level Certificate ESOL International All Modes - (B1) • ESB Level 1 Certificate ESOL International All Modes - (B2) • ESB Level 2 Certificate ESOL International All Modes - (C1) • ESB Level 3 Certificate ESOL International All Modes - (C2) European Union of Business (“EUOB”) EUOB will act as an exclusive ESB centre offering our Online ESOL qualifications to learners in Germany.

AccessUni Limited

AccessUni, based in London, will partner with ESB to exclusively provide ESOL International qualifications to identified, agreed-upon countries. ESB assessments will be held in the following countries this academic year: - India - Bangladesh - Pakistan

Business School England Ltd (BSE)

Business School England Ltd, based in London, will provide ESB's ESOL International qualifications to International learners in the UK.


ESB’s Chief Executive, Tina Renshaw, says: “We are thrilled to share the exciting news that AccessUni, EUOB and BSE will be joining the ESB family, allowing us to support more learners from all over the world to acquire the language skills and confidence needed to communicate worldwide. “We have a wealth of experience in promoting language in many countries and we deeply care and support each and every one of our centres and learners. All our learner-focused assessments are built with the learners’ interests at heart, including accessible topics, and we make it our priority to ensure that all our learners and teachers are supported all the way through to the completion of ESB to ensure a positive and delightful experience. “ By giving our learners the ability to develop key communicative and English Language skills, they will be well-equipped with essential life skills, boosting their progression and employability. "The C2 qualification, ESB Level 3 Certificate in ESOL International, also comes with the attraction of receiving up to 36 UCAS points, a valuable incentive for learners pursuing higher education in the UK. "

ESB’s intuitive and easy-to-use online assessment option using ©Cirrus Assessment offers numerous benefits such as heightened security, using fully automated proctoring/invigilation through a sophisticated artificial intelligence software: ©Proctorio, reduced carbon footprint and improved efficiency. Please contact us if you would like to find out more about ESB’s ESOL International Online qualifications.


Learner success in China!

ESB is delighted to continue its fruitful working relationship with its two exclusive centres in China - SKT Education Group and SEED International. For the past two years, both centres have been successfully delivering a number of ESB’s speech and oracy qualifications to learners across China at a range of satellite centres where ESB assessments take place. Says Tina, “We have always had the word 'International' as part of our business name and our assessments have had an impact on hundreds of thousands of learners stretching eastwards from the UK, all the way to Australia. “We are thrilled that our partnership with SKT Education Group and SEED International continues to flourish – empowering learners all over China to improve their communication and oracy skills, ultimately enabling them to reach their personal and professional goals.” SKT Education Group offers a range of ESB qualifications including Group Speaking, Speech Pathways, and Level 3 Graded Examinations in Speech and SEED International provides Speech EAL qualifications for learners who speak English as an additional language.

Congratulations to all learners at SKT Education Group! We were overwhelmed to receive over 40 entries to ESB’s Milestone Competition – launched to celebrate our 70th Anniversary this year – from learners at SKT Education Group. The competition encouraged learners to hone their oracy skills in a fun and competitive environment, delivering a spoken piece about an important milestone in their life. Out of the 40 entries, two learners were awarded 1st prize, two learners 2nd prize and five learners received highly commended awards.

Other learners at SKT Education Group told us how they felt to receive their ESB Milestone Competition Certificate.


"It was a big surprise for me. Thanks ESB for this opportunity to express my idea!" ESB learner, Yu Dongquan

"I’m very happy to get this award. Thank you for having me and I really enjoy it!" ESB learner, Wei Yiman

"I’m so glad to get this award. I love this opportunity to share my ideas." ESB learner, Wang Ruoxi

"I'm very honoured to get this award!" ESB Learner, Feng Ruichen

We are always looking for like-minded UK and International centres who share the same goal - to improve their learners’ oracy and English language skills - to work with us. If you would like to find out more about becoming an ESB centre, please contact us. “I am amazed by the exceptional entries submitted to our competition by learners at SKT Education Group. It is truly remarkable to see such dedication and talent and I want to congratulate all learners who participated. You should all be very proud of yourselves. Well done!” ESB CEO, Tina Renshaw


ESB supports the NATECLA National Conference

As a specialist AO, ESB focuses on delivering exceptional outcomes for our centres:

Results in 5 days 99% of the time

Certificates out in 10 days after the results 99% of the time

ESB Chief Assessor, Ben Jackson (left) and Business Coordinator, Abdul Miah (right)

ESB was a proud sponsor of the two-day National Association for Teaching English and Other Community Languages to Adults (NATECLA) conference recently held in Birmingham. Ben Jackson, ESB's Chief Assessor, and Abdul Miah, ESB’s Business Coordinator, were delighted to reconnect with current ESB centres and to engage with other ESOL colleges and training providers. Says Ben, “Abdul and I had a wonderful time meeting members of the ESOL network at the recent NATECLA conference. It was fantastic to have the opportunity to establish meaningful connections and gain insightful knowledge from centres about our ESOL Skills for Life qualifications. “We were also available to assist colleges and training providers with any enquiries they had about our qualifications and we were thrilled to talk about the many positive experiences from which learners who take our qualifications can benefit. Thank you to everyone who came and said Hello. It was a real pleasure to chat with each and every one of you!”

Unsurpassed support from all teams at head office

Truly friendly, professional assessors

There are many benefits to be gained by teachers, tutors and learners being part of the ESB family.

If you want to learn more about ESB’s ESOL Skills for Life qualifications, please contact a member of our Business Development Team at


A warm welcome to Dudley College of Technology - one of ESB's new ESOL centres

Following a successful pilot scheme, we are thrilled to announce that Dudley College of Technology has joined us as a new ESOL centre. Located in the West Midlands, the college offers technical and vocational programmes to approximately 12,000 students every year. Says Tina, “We are so excited that Dudley College of Technology has joined our ESOL network. Its commitment to excellence and providing outstanding learning - which raises aspirations, develops skills and changes lives - perfectly aligns with ESB’s mission. We look forward to working with Dudley College to support its learners to improve their English language skills, thereby increasing their confidence and empowering them in their personal and professional lives.” British Red Cross Eaton Primary School, Cheshire Thornhill Academy, Sunderland MRAC PRO, Private Training Provider UK Future Events, Private Training Provider Broadwater School, Surrey Mill Hill International Wycliffe Preparatory School, Gloucestershire Our Lady and St. Werburgh's Catholic Primary School, Staffordshire The Excel Academy, Stoke-on-Trent Walton High School, Staffordshire Bishop Milner Catholic College, West Midlands City of London Primary Academy of Islington Derby Moor Spencer Academy, Derbyshire Harrow International School, Bangkok Celtrain Education Services, Belfast St Mary's CE School, Lewisham

“All of our Level 1 tutors have been very impressed with the responsiveness of ESB and the feedback offered by its Assessors and Customer Experience team. Our Exams team have commented on the ease with which they can book all exams as well as the speed at which results have come back to us. Please give our thanks to the team for being so supportive and flexible to our needs this year. We look forward to working closely with your team next academic year and becoming part of the ESB family!” Micheal Killin, Curriculum Manager at Dudley College

We also welcome other centres who join the ESB family!

Business School England Ltd EUOB UG AccessUni Limited Beauty in London School Harrogate Grammar School Whimple Primary School, Devon St Joseph's RC Primary School, Stockport If you would like to find out more about becoming an ESB centre, our Business Development Team would be delighted to hear from you. Please contact or call 01695 573439 ext. 201.


We caught up with ESB’s Honorary Life-President, Merriel-Halsall Williams

“The ESB experience is one of those things that every child in this country should be working towards.” Merriel Halsall-Williams

We recently had the pleasure of visiting ESB’s Honorary Life-President, Merriel, at her home in Shropshire during ESB’s 70th year. Merriel’s enduring relationship with ESB began in 1953, when she was assessed by Christabel. From that very moment, she has made it her lifetime mission to champion the power of the spoken word. From being an ESB learner, Merriel went on to become an outstanding ESB teacher and later fulfilled a range of roles for ESB.

In 2018, she received the Richard Ellis Award – an award introduced in memory of former ESB Treasurer and Trustee, Richard Ellis, which recognises an individual who has shown outstanding dedication to ESB. Merriel’s continuing commitment to the work of ESB and for promoting its values makes her a worthy winner of this award. Merriel shares her fondest memories of ESB and highlights the benefits of the ESB experience and its qualifications which continue to add value to learners’ lives to this day.

Add merriel video


Responding to your feedback

A new feature in ‘MyESBHub’ is now live ESB has launched a new feature in its ‘MyESB Hub’ to make it easier for centres to collate learners’ results and data.

Says Tina, "We are so pleased to launch this new feature which will improve the ‘MyESB Hub’ experience for all our centres. Positive feedback has already been received from centres who have tested it and they are pleased with the outcome. "ESB is always looking at ways to improve its service for its centres and this new feature does exactly that." How to download a new master report from your 'MyESBHub'? 1. On the ‘Bookings and Quotes’ page, please click the blue ‘Master Exam Report’ button. 2. You can then filter by qualification and date range to download an Excel spreadsheet with learner names, qualifications, levels and results.

Centres are now able to view their learners’ composite results for all qualifications in their ‘MyESBHub’. Please watch the video below which demonstrates how to use the new feature.

Development of ESOL SfL Reading and Writing Reports Our ESOL Skills for Life centres have

Your feedback is very important to us and helps us not only to empower positive changes at ESB but also enables us to continue to provide an outstanding customer experience for all. Please forward any comments, thoughts or feedback to Together, we can continue to raise - and celebrate - the achievement of our learners!

requested individual feedback for their learners' Reading and Writing results to enable them to view what Assessment Criteria their unsuccessful learners have not achieved. Says ESB's Product Development Manager, Anthea Wilson, "We are working on this to go live in the next academic year. We know how valuable it will be for learners to be able to see their strengths and weaknesses and how to progress, and are looking forward to supporting our centres with this new feature."


Meet our Ambassadors We LOVE hearing about the added value that ESB has on learners who currently take our assessments but we also love to keep in touch with our Ambassadors - young people who impressed us with their individual journey with ESB. In fact, we’ve asked them to keep in touch and share their reflections ….

Says Tina, “Thank you, Lilian, Sharon, Joseph and Hrishi for your inspirational videos! "We know from our research and the data in our 2021/22 National Impact Report that confidence helps build self-esteem and together, those feelings allow us all to face more challenges with a ‘win’ already in the bank – that golden ticket of an ESB certificate that may help these young people take the next step, and further demonstrate what they can do.” ESB’s recently launched National Impact Report outlines the impact of its externally assessed qualifications on the development of learners’ oracy and personal development. If you would like to receive a full copy of ESB’s National Impact Report, please email and provide us with some feedback. You can download the Executive Summary here.

It’s crucial to understand that investing in oracy has its dividends and has both an immediate and life-long impact on learners. ESB looks forward to sharing more information about the impact of its qualifications on learners throughout the year, and in the future.


It's a girl!

ESB is delighted to announce the expansion of its family with the birth of another ESB baby! The entire ESB family would like to extend its heartfelt congratulations to Georgie Anderson and her fiancé Andrew, on the recent birth of their first child, a beautiful baby girl, Sienna Cecilia Pye. Weighing in at 7lbs 2 ozs, Sienna was born on Thursday 29th June at 8.31 pm. Georgie is one of our Customer Experience Officers who joined ESB three years ago and is typically used to fine-tuning the customer journey to provide exceptional customer service. We’re thrilled that she now can spend time at home, putting her baby first every step of the way!

Cassie Anderson, ESB’s Communications Officer is Georgie's sibling and is therefore one very proud Auntie. She says, “Congratulations Sis – so proud of you, I can't wait to take on my official Auntie duties! Sienna is a precious bundle of joy and who knows … maybe she will become a fully-fledged member of ESB one day and take her very own ESB qualification, following in both our footsteps!"

We wish Georgie and Andrew much happiness, joy and laughter in the future with their newborn and extend a warm welcome into the world to Sienna Cecilia Pye. ESB's Communications Officer and Auntie to Sienna, Cassie Anderson 17

ESB's Customer Experience Officer, Georgie Anderson

ESB's 70th Anniversary Multi-Media Event hosted at Belfast Met College

English Speaking Board (International) Ltd.® 9 Hattersley Court, Burscough Road, Ormskirk L39 2AY

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